write . publish . inspire

Simple but awesome WordPress blogging theme to tell stories of your life.
With emphasis on huge images and beautiful typography, your stories will be pleasure to read.

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Corporate Social Responsibility

In the countries that we operate in, we actively seek to engage the local communities through efforts to improve the welfare of the marginalised. Our CSR initiatives focus on 

  1. Poverty alleviation
  2. Education opportunities
  3. Reduction of children malnutrition

Through our CSR efforts, we engage in philanthropy and volunteer work through which we are reminded to have gratitude, have humility and deepen our sense of empathy. This forms the core tenets of Spectromatrix, where we are grateful for the opportunities given to us and the business from our customers, and also have the ability to empathize with our customers, suppliers and partners.

Hosting Lunch and Entertainment at Lions Home for the Elders

Singapore, 2 Feb 2017

Contributing to Pertapis Children’s
Home back to school program,

Singapore, 22 Jun 2018

Donation to Li’l Brave Hearts

Philippines, 22 May 2019

We welcome potential opportunities to work with NGOs and charities. Email us at csr@spectromatrix.com.sg

Copyright © 2012-2019 Spectromatrix Singapore Pte Ltd